Tuesday, 11 August 2015

A trial for my growth- Fair deal!!!

Hello blessed and sanctified you, welcome to my corner. I was speaking to a friend recently and she was so scared about the next step of her life, like what will happen after this phase, worrying about the facts in front of her and the uncertainty of her future and I told her to stop trying to do things in her own strength and trust God completely, it almost made me cry because she didn't have to worry at all, all she has to do is love and trust God and He will show Himself. I also reminded her about when God came through for her last year in a difficult time. He is the same God today.

It’s not always greener on the other side. It’s greener where God places us, yes we can make plans but not in fear of uncertainty, but in peace trusting that all will work together for our good because we trust in the Lord. If we don’t trust in him, the first thing to do is repent and then trust in him, he is merciful and forgives. It happens to us all! We all have times in our lives where it feels like life is against us. It can be shocking and scary when it seems like everything is going wrong all at once.  You thought life was great and then somehow, without even trying – your life gets turned upside down but trust God, seek godly counsel if you feel overwhelmed. We are here for eachother. 

In moments of massive uncertainty we must allow ourselves a greater perspective than just to give up, throw in the towel and decide that life is against us.  If you trust God, He will give you double for your trouble and he will restore you. In the end the meek shall inherit the earth, that is his promise. You should worry if you don’t follow God and are playing with sin…you have to repent to be able to enjoy the fullness of what God has instore for you and also enjoy yourself in the process rather than worrying for nothing. Nothing is too small for God to handle,nothing is too hard for God….absolutely nothing. We need to be spiritually strong and keep working on our relationship with God and we will enjoy life more.

The difference between those who trust God and those who don’t is found in how each responds to life throwing them a trial. And trials will come. They always do.  My pastor always says-it’s either you are just coming out of one, in one or just about to enter one.
The question is, how do you respond to the trials, the upheavals and the scary things you didn’t see coming?

At a certain point, instead of expecting that things should go your way and getting stressed out when they don’t – we mature. We mature to understand that sometimes the greatest gifts are the setbacks, the moments that cause us to freak out and the times where we feel most challenged. We understand that life is not about comfort, but growth. And growth means that we must hold steady amid massive uncertainty. That is real FAITH and we should never question God.

So whenever times get tough, or I feel like life is against me, I pause and decide that what’s happening is for my growth – rather than for my downfall.

I pay attention to what I am grateful for. I ask to be guided to the lesson I am meant to learn – and then I choose to see everything that happens next as an answer to my prayer.

There will be moments where you will be challenged and pushed to the limit. Our aim should not be to avoid these moments, but rather meet them head on with courage, faith and a mindset that is looking for the opportunity to grow.

Looking for growth will allow massive miracles to come into our lives. Finding the opportunity to grow will allow us to find meaning in the seeming chaos and to emerge stronger, wiser and with more gratitude for the journey.

Here’s how you can turn upheaval into growth:

1.    Focus on what you already have; focus on what’s working (That's a blessing not to be taken for granted)
2.    Ask for guidance; pray for revelation as to the meaning in the chaos and peace.
3.    Surrender the outcome to God.
4.    Choose to see everything that’s happened as a vehicle for growth, rather than a reason to stop.
5.    Take life each day at a time. Don’t future trip. Be present with what’s happening now and trust,trust, trust. That is when God loves to work, when there seems to be no way.
6.    Don’t get caught in fear. Keep moving, remember, live is movement.
7.    Open up and ask for help. You aren’t an island. You do have resources; all you have to do is look for them.  Get rid of pride, it will strip you off allllll the promises God has for you.

I hope this helps with the seeming chaos of your life. If you look for it, you will find that what’s happening is happening for your growth, not your downfall. Have a blessed week ahead and keep your mind focused on Jesus....Maamamia xxx

1 comment:

  1. This is a very encouraging piece. Its wonderful and a eye-opnener. I'm pleased to read this.
