Sunday, 29 December 2013
Compliments of the season....
So i made two flyers thanks to paragonfx goons and I can't decide which i love best so i will just paste both. Hehe! I jsut want to wish everyone the best this seaoson and forever.This is a season to remember and celebrate love, whether you believe in Christmas or not.Wherever you are, whoever you are with, my deepest wish is that this season you feel Love, connection and know that you are enough, as you are. As a Christian, one of the saddest things I see are people who use fear and hate in the name of Christ. You could call them, “I love you, but” people – who, if we are honest, are anything but Loving to anyone who isn’t like them.What’s so ironic is that the Jesus I know Loved everyone as they were. His deepest wish for humanity was that we “Love our neighbour as ourselves.”Not our Christian/muslim/work neighbour or anything else – just our neighbour.
And these days, in the global society we live in, all our fellow brothers and sisters on this planet are our neighbours.I tend to leave my beliefs about Jesus out of the blog, because I believe that what is most important is Love. I honour all paths to Love and believe that as long as you are doing your best to embody Love, then it really doesn’t matter what path you are on.Jesus will find you!!
I’m saddened when so much anger, hate, bigotry and the like is done in Jesus' name. The Jesus I’ve come to know in the red letter text of the Bible was a radical, fierce and Loving man who Loved all, who embodied a teaching of Love and who left none out.There was no judgment, only Love. Jesus was a teacher who showed us that Grace could cancel karma and that, no matter what we’ve done in our lives, we are Loved unconditionally.Jesus wasn’t a Christian. He was love.His teachings were not dogmatic. They were inclusive. No one was left out and you didn’t have to do it His way. Instead, He asked us to look within.He taught us that our Creator was Love and the only way to truly connect back was to be Loving.His birth was humble, not flashy. There was no bling, no breaking news. He was born in a humble manger, amid nature and people who worked with their hands.He was a carpenter that worked with His hands.And, most importantly, he surrendered His will to the will of Something Greater. He put His focus on serving others and detaching from the outcome.His life, which he lived with “Christ Consciousness,” was not easy; it wasn't an “All is well” kind of life. He participated joyfully in the sorrows of the world and faced judgement, betrayal and persecution with graciousness and courage.He got scared. He got angry. He got afraid. Yet, none of this stopped him from living His mission and putting a massive dent in the world.He reminds us that, “Even the least among ye can do greater things than I." So, he is not an idol to be worshipped, but a role model to to be looked up to, so that we realize that we all have the ability to do Great Works on this planet.Some say that there are only two ways to view Jesus: either madman or a liar. But, we all know that there are always at least three sides to every story. I say He was misunderstood.So, this season, as we celebrate His birth and His gift to the world, my deepest wish is that you keep this in mind: Love truly is the bottom line. There are many messengers of Love, Jesus being one of them.If you have been persecuted, judged or harmed in any way by people calling themselves Christian, please accept my deepest apology. They didn’t know what they were doing, they were just acting out of fear. Fear that you are different. Fear that you represent the unknown.I’m so sorry that you’ve been hurt. I’ve been hurt, too more than you can ever imagine. But that shouldn’t stop us from Loving.Don’t let the judgment of humans take you away from the Love of The Uni-verse and our Creator.
Wherever you are, have an amazing day filled with Love, family and a renewed sense that you are enough and Loved just as you are.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year
Monday, 18 November 2013
Thursday, 7 November 2013
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Sunday, 3 November 2013
Happy Sunday!! 03:11:13
Happy Sunday <3 Its the first sunday of the month so we should be thankful for seeing this day. I want to talk about Pain and dealing with it. Pain in life will happen.It just will. It is part of life,The question you want to ask yourself is, “What does this pain mean?”Does it mean that life is against you?Does it mean that you are worthless?Does it mean that someone like you deserves to be in pain?Or…Does it mean that you are growing?Does it mean there is something to learn here?Does it mean that you can overcome this pain by changing your action over time?Does it mean that you are simply alive and sometimes there is pain in life?You see, it is never what happens to us that ultimately defines our lives, but what we do about what happens.Your power is always in your response, never in your circumstance.I've met so many kinds of people that have been through so many kinds of stuff in life and yours won't shock me. Trust me!!! Now one thing I want to point out is that you still must heal. When tragedy strikes, there is a natural healing process that has to take place.To just try to wish it, cry it, red wine it away – won’t work.
There are feelings that need to be felt, things that need to be said and a whole grieving process that has to be gone through.This is not me asking you to do a spiritual bypass where you just pretend something never happened. On the contrary, this is about getting real about what happened, feeling your feelings fully and once you have allowed yourself to heal, knowing that you are not a victim of what happened, you are what you choose to become.Are you letting yourself fully feel?Are you letting yourself have space to allow your emotions to come to the surface?Can you see that in the long run you are not a victim, you are so much more than that?!When life gets dark, that’s when you get to discover your true Light, so stop sulking and holding back and simply take control. Being aive is a gift, it means you have a chance..Remember to always be thankful and have a blessed week ahead...Maamamia xx
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Monday, 28 October 2013
Happy Monday!!! 28:10:13
Happy Monday!!! It is funny how we always say we are looking for signs, when infact we see only what we are looking for.You will find what you are looking for
So, if you are looking for reasons why you aren't enough - you'll most likely find them. If you look for reasons why you should quit - there are plenty of them there. If you look for reasons why it's not working out - yup, you guessed it - that's there, too. But, just because you find the evidence, this doesn't mean it's actually true. It just means you found something "out there" that, based on the meaning that you are giving events and circumstances, correlates with something you are looking for. The power here is that the MEANING we give the events of our lives is what controls the outcome - far greater than circumstance.
seek and ye shall find. So, if that is true, we better be damned careful what we are looking for. At our core, all of us are beautiful, perfect, infinite and Loving Souls. Wrapped around that amazing Soul is a bunch of stories and meanings that we have created - consciously or unconsciously - over time. And when we make things mean a certain thing, we will surely find it.
If we believe that relationships = pain, we'll find it. If we think men or women = assholes, we'll find it. If we think that no one loves us, we'll find it. If we think that every problem is an opportunity to grow, we'll find it. If we think that a delay is not a denial, we'll find it. If we think that love does not exist then you will find that. If we think that we are more powerful than our circumstances, we'll find it. If we think that God provides in perfect time, we'll find it.
This isn't to say that if you think positive, it will all work out. Positive thinking is 1/3 of the equation. There is good reason for negative and neutral thinking, too. I'm not talking about being a Pollyanna and thinking that everything is fine. Sometimes we have crisis in our lives - but the MEANING we GIVE the crisis is everything. Is this a breakdown or a breakthrough? Shit happens, but it's what you do about it that matters. Instead of reacting, let us respond. Responsibility is the ability to respond. This means that we have the power to choose to respond in an empowered way to our circumstances, rather than just look for reasons why we are wrong, why we are not good enough or why we should quit. If you look for problems, you'll find problems; but if you look for GRACE - you'll see that Grace walks with you at every step of the way..Through God! Have a blessed week ahead…Maamamia
ps: Visit our site and see what we are doing to help the world
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Happy Sunday!! 29:09:2013
Happy Sunday!! If you're looking for a truly Loving relationship, it is very difficult to be in a relationship with someone who isn't on the path to self-love. We don't have to love ourselves perfectly to find awesome love, but we have to be on the path to self-love. This also means that whomever we choose to be in a relationship with should be on that path, too.There will never be a perfect moment where we love ourselves perfectly and then we can be in a relationship. It's a constant process of discovery with no end. But for a relationship to thrive and for intimacy to emerge, each person must be dedicated to growth; otherwise, you will hit a wall. A huge revelation for me recently has been that nobody, including myself, is perfect. It sounds obvious when I write it, but for many years I would meet people and project this expectation of perfection on to them. And I would get mad, angry and hurt when they wouldn't meet that expectation. So, I've recently decided that from the beginning of any relationships I start, that I want to acknowledge my own imperfection as well as the imperfection of the other person and consciously choose to enter into a relationship not seeking perfection, but rather loving each other's imperfections. And instead of looking to the other person to meet all our needs perfectly, to take our eyes off of ourselves and put them on God.I believe that the only perfect Love is the Love of God. We are constantly nurtured by it: with oxygen, with sun, with community and with free will. We are fully supported in this life by God. It is the thoughts of lack, of fear and of neediness that make us feel as if we are not. When we remember this, we can remember our true essence and start to be at peace. When we realize that the only perfect love is the Love of God, we can no longer have the insane expectations that other people are perfect and expect perfect love from them.We then step into the reality of imperfection that is the human condition. This is a humble place and it is from this humble place that we acknowledge that we need to grow, to work on ourselves and to walk the Path of self-love. To be in relationship with someone who isn't on this path makes Love very difficult. So make it easy for them and start loving and accepting yourself. Have a blessed week ahead…Maamamia xx
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Saturday, 14 September 2013
Happy Sunday!!! 15:09:13
Happy Sunday! You know what? One of the greatest obstacles to our growth is pride. The need to be right is one of the largest blocks to Love, to Growth and to intimacy.This need is based in fear and is of the ego. The key to happiness is "not minding what happens."This isn't to say that we shouldn't care or that we should be lazy. On the contrary, this is a call to care, to give it our all, but to surrender the outcome.Our pride wants us to be right. Our pride wants us to be first.Our pride cannot admit when we're wrong. Our pride is terrified of opening up and loving. Our pride loves to be in control.If we instead look at life, not from a place of lack that requires us to control our limited resources, but as a journey into dissolving our fears, we can let go. And not mind what happens.We can detach from the outcome. We cannot take insults personally. We cannot let how much money we do or do not have define us. We cannot let success define us. We can let go of the need of the approval of other people. When we don't mind what happens, we can step into simply being ourselves and sharing.We can detach from the fearful need to be right and instead step into an intention and the action of sharing. We begin to value growth over protection of our beliefs. We are now willing to drop a belief when we come across a deeper truth. I met someone who has decided not to open his heart to love again and that is total BS and unfairness in my opinion. You cannot just decided not to love because you have been heartbroken…Love anyway and detach from the outcome. You cannot live in fear.We should see the value in not needing to defend our position, but understand our fellow Seekers and share from a place of feeling, rather than report from a place of judgment.We are being called to grow here on earth and we cannot afford to stunt it cos of other humans. We are asking for insight, so we must be willing to admit when we are wrong and flow with the lessons of The World. Let us see ourselves as being sharpened so that we may cut through the B/S of life. Have a blessed and fulfilled week ahead..Maamamia xx
Ps: Don’t you just love this beautiful mango tote bag? Check us out on
Monday, 26 August 2013
Happy Sunday!!! 25:08:13
Happy Sunday!! I think we need to stop and think about the reasons why we do what we do when we do them. It is not right to live our lives letting everyone else dictate to us on what to do to make them happy and not God or even ourselves. We need to realize that in other to be a God pleaser we cannot be a self-pleaser or a people pleaser. Everybody wants to have an opinion about what you should do…..I can’t just do what everybody wants me to do and please them because most times I’m not even pleasing God as a result. We need to live a life that is pleasing to God. Healthy people know they have faults and don’t feel like they have them, you don’t have to pretend to be perfect especially when speaking to sick people. Everybody has got stuff wrong with them but nobody wants anybody to know….I believe that we need to not only need to know who we are in Christ, we also need to know our weaknesses and admit them and know that we need eachother in life. We also need to be careful with our hearts and how much expectation we have.If you have got ur expectation in God, even when someone isn’t treating you right, you trust that God will take you out of it and not keep a grudge that could likely take you to hell.
Sometimes we expect so much from people and when they let us down as humans we get heartbroken. Im not saying don’t trust anyone but give humans some slack and lay it down to God. When you trust God 100% you won’t have trust issues with humans. No one owes you anything, we are all bound to sin..struggling with the good and the bad….give all your trust to God and He will take care of you. I care most about what God thinks and not what humans think. No matter what you do if someone wants to think bad about you, they will. Cos if it’s not one thing, its another. Cos no matter how good you do there will always be one thing you lack. Why will God leave us with one thing we lack cos He wants us to need eachother. No man is an island and God made us all to help each other. We need to do goodworks with the right motive, we need to do what we do as unto the Lord desiring to please Him and we should not do anything to please people. We need to learn to hear from God for ourselves than always asking people all the time too. Cos not everyone has been gifted to hear from God and definitely not on your behalf.There are so many right things we do for the wrong reasons. For example some of us go to church every Sunday and its not for God. I want to do everything I do in honour of the Lord, eat,drink,go out, sleep, die…everything I do I want to do all I do in honour of the Lord and as my friend I want you to do same too. I belong to God and I’m suppose to live for Him and if what im doing is not to His glory then I rather not do it right? I cannot stress about how important it is to please God and not man….Alot of the times you wont be able to please people and God at the same time, its better for man to be displeased with you than God.Sometimes we do things cos we’re hoping to be well thought of. Even in prayer, some people pray out loud not for God but for people to hear and sometimes God will ask “ child are you talking to me or them” seriously we need to get our motive right and we will live a better life on earth. We need to fight the flesh more than we are fighting now,that is the essense of fasting….less of the flesh and more of the Spirit cos whether we like it or not our flesh is tough and more that 80% of the time we want to do what the flesh wants. It doesn’t make any sense the things we do sometimes just to keep people happy. So we have to think about why we do what we do. Have a blessed week ahead and remember to do all that you do for God. Maamamia xx
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Sunday, 4 August 2013
Happy Sunday!! 4:8:13
Happy Sunday!!Have u ever felt like exploding? You know like those moments when you really put yourself on the line. When you really feel stressed out or pushed beyond your limits and think you might have gone too far or taken on too much. I always hate situations like this and I try to do everything to avoid it.But soon I realized that it helps me grow…being pushed to the wall helps us grow. Its those moments of being uncomfortable and being uneasy that defines us. We all don’t like to be pushed to the wall, we don’t like to get uncomfortable, we don’t like to put ourselves on the line-and yet-it is exactly these things that help us grow, be happy, have purpose and find fulfillment.The only way you can truly be happy,the only way we can truly find fulfillment is to grow because progress is happiness. Its not even about the end goal most of the time, its about making progress towards that goal that makes us come alive.When we look at the things in our life that our heart desires, we tend to choose the seemingly safe route and then justify why we cant have what we want. But really if we could just find the faith to face uncertainty, to step out and try new things and then learn from our mistakes-life would definitely change. I have learnt to embrace challenges as a natural part of life and a required part of living at my highest potential. Now when I am pushed, I don’t stop, I keep going and I know that the pressure being on is a great thing, it means I am putting my life on the line for something I believe in and there is no greater act of faith than really putting yourself out there for those that you believe in.God has never failed me even tho it looks that way attimes, but I know He hasn’t, my faith in Him has kept me going and I am sure without an iota of doubt that I will fulfil purpose on this earth regardless of the setbacks and I want you to feel the same way too. Have a blessed week ahead..Maamamia
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Happy Sunday!! 28:07:13
Happy Sunday!! Its really heartbreaking when i see or hear people settling for the first thing that comes along.Settling is a symptom of lack of faith. We are the co-creators of our lives, which means we, in agreement with God, can consciously design what kind of life we want to live. If we consciously design our lives, then why take a job that makes you feel miserable? Why enter a relationship with someone who doesn't value and cherish you? Why tolerate undesirable circumstances? God doesn't award points for unnecessary suffering or low self-esteem. We are Loved by God no matter what, but we were born to live a fulfilled life.This cannot happen if we settle. If you need money and don't have enough to live your own dream, then you may have to get a job you don't love, but you have the choice to choose the circumstances. You can design your life to make money and express yourself. You can also choose to see challenging job circumstances as opportunities to grow and be grateful for the contrast of not getting what you want, so you can design what you do want.U get?Since you are the co-creator of your circumstances and how you respond to them, you get to actively choose what you do with your free time, how you interpret the events of your life and what your final goal is. A dead end job isn't dead end if it’s helping pay your bills while you construct your masterpiece. Annoying coworkers aren't annoying if you can see them as helping teach you love, self-love,patience and acceptance.Regarding dating, we all date at the level of our self-esteem like i ALWAYS say. So if you're not getting what you truly desire from your relationship, look into the true motives about why you choose who you choose.Having high standards and not settling requires us to spend more time with and on ourselves, becoming the people it takes to create the life of our dreams. We don't allow fearful or manipulative people, places and circumstances to dictate our outcome. We'd rather walk alone than with someone who drains us.You have the same 24 hours in your day as everyone else. You have the same opportunity to apply an empowering and loving meaning to the events and circumstances of your life. You have the opportunity to raise your self-esteem and date at the level of love and vulnerability rather than fear and manipulation. You have the power to enjoy your experience regardless of circumstances. It is well have a blessed week ahead. Maamamia xx
PS: Please join us as we try to make a difference . Support P.U.S.H today, for more details go to, like our facebook page . God bless
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Happy Sunday!! 21:07:13
Happy Sunday...Love is complete.Your friends,family,spouses don't "complete you" your relationships should be a reflection of you.Be whole, not a half.So many people run around looking for someone "to complete them." But the thing is, everyone is fallible, so no one can complete you and ever live up to your expectations. That is why it is so important to keep our eyes on God and His Love for us. The Love of God never changes. Other people change, other people mess up, but God is constantly on our side, Loving us and showing us how we can grow even closer to happiness and Love.Our aim should be to not seek and chase for Love, but to BE IT. This means self-love first. True Love isn't setting HUGE expectations on someone else that they always make you happy and fulfilled.True Love is being so full of self-love and the Love of God that you have more than enough Love to hold your own darkness and light and the darkness and light of the other people.Looking for someone to complete you is to deny your innate potential to be an already full and integrated human-being. You are giving someone else a power that only you have.Also, making someone else the source of your fulfilment means that if they are not having a good day, acting in integrity or desiring to grow, then you are also doing the same. It's a giant anchor holding you down.In relationships, we either grow together or we grow apart like I have grown apart from someone in my life recently. God is constantly guiding us to greater and greater awareness of ourselves and as a result our Highest Potential. Relationships are containers for growth, not containers for proving how much pain you can endure for someone else.When we make someone else the only thing that completes us, we can easily blame them, but the blame belongs on us for giving them that power in the first place.Let's take our power back and take our eyes off of ourselves and our partners and friends and remember the Source from which we came and which we are all a part of right now. We are a drop of water coming home to the beautiful ocean from which we came. In doing so, we can merge into a wave and do far more connected to this Source than we ever could do alone or with another person. Have a blessed week ahead and read this message again. Maamamia xxx
Ps: Don't you love these very sexy chinos?? They are available at for guys
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Happy Sunday!!! 14:7:13
Happy Sunday!!Being a loving person doesn't mean you are a fool like some people might believe. In fact, many times the loving thing to do is to set boundaries.
As with everything I tell myself, the key is balance. Too many boundaries and you close off; no boundaries and you lose yourself.
As I continue to grow, my time is getting slimmer and slimmer. And more people are asking for it. I am such a people pleaser; I want to help everyone and make as many people happy as possible.
I have been like this my whole life. I have an innate desire to help other people, especially those who are down and out. I love seeing people step up into their power and become happy and fulfilled. I learnt at a young age that I have a desire to help make other people happy. However, as I grew into adulthood and then embraced being an entrepreneur, I had to learn a valuable lesson: the boundaries of self-love.
In the past, I had a lot of relationships where I sunk a lot into other people's dreams. I had a lot of personal relationships where I would invest in other people. Some people turned out to be positive investments and some turned out to be not-so-positive investments. No matter what, there was always a lesson that I was grateful for.
I learnt another lesson this month with a person i believed was a sister who was more than a friend and a family member that people are just out rightly UNGRATEFUL and just cos you’ve known someone for a long time and shared experiences with them doesn’t make them love or trust you. Some are just waiting for one day to show you what they truly feel about you. This was a painful and crippling lesson for me to learn, both emotionally,physically, spiritually and financially. But I am glad.
Of course it is in giving that we receive, but that starts with ourselves. If we are not full, we will have nothing to give away. I learnt that boundaries are very important. I learnt that I had to be fulfilled before I could be fulfilling in any relationship or partnership.
I learnt this lesson through pain, but it has since become a path of joy. My ego hated the transformation from that dark place to my life now, but each time my ego got mad, my Spirit celebrated.
Now, I am living my dream. It started through self-love, then grew from giving that love away and is sustained by a balance of giving to myself and to others. I have never experienced more consistent joy in my life as a result of those painful moments and I would do them all over again if I had too, because on the other side, life is beautiful and sweet. Have a lovely week ahead and remember to set boundaries….Maamamia xxx
ps: Won't you love to own one of these watches? Check out for more......
As with everything I tell myself, the key is balance. Too many boundaries and you close off; no boundaries and you lose yourself.
As I continue to grow, my time is getting slimmer and slimmer. And more people are asking for it. I am such a people pleaser; I want to help everyone and make as many people happy as possible.
I have been like this my whole life. I have an innate desire to help other people, especially those who are down and out. I love seeing people step up into their power and become happy and fulfilled. I learnt at a young age that I have a desire to help make other people happy. However, as I grew into adulthood and then embraced being an entrepreneur, I had to learn a valuable lesson: the boundaries of self-love.
In the past, I had a lot of relationships where I sunk a lot into other people's dreams. I had a lot of personal relationships where I would invest in other people. Some people turned out to be positive investments and some turned out to be not-so-positive investments. No matter what, there was always a lesson that I was grateful for.
I learnt another lesson this month with a person i believed was a sister who was more than a friend and a family member that people are just out rightly UNGRATEFUL and just cos you’ve known someone for a long time and shared experiences with them doesn’t make them love or trust you. Some are just waiting for one day to show you what they truly feel about you. This was a painful and crippling lesson for me to learn, both emotionally,physically, spiritually and financially. But I am glad.
Of course it is in giving that we receive, but that starts with ourselves. If we are not full, we will have nothing to give away. I learnt that boundaries are very important. I learnt that I had to be fulfilled before I could be fulfilling in any relationship or partnership.
I learnt this lesson through pain, but it has since become a path of joy. My ego hated the transformation from that dark place to my life now, but each time my ego got mad, my Spirit celebrated.
Now, I am living my dream. It started through self-love, then grew from giving that love away and is sustained by a balance of giving to myself and to others. I have never experienced more consistent joy in my life as a result of those painful moments and I would do them all over again if I had too, because on the other side, life is beautiful and sweet. Have a lovely week ahead and remember to set boundaries….Maamamia xxx
ps: Won't you love to own one of these watches? Check out for more......
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Happy Sunday!!! 7:7:13
Happy Sunday!! There is a major difference between trying to prove your love and simply sharing your love.I can't tell you how many times I have in the past tried to prove my love. I've tried to show people how worthy I am, how loving I am, how real I am.I realized that I kept doing this because I had yet to truly realize how worthy, loving and real I was. If I had really known this, I wouldn't have been trying to prove it to other people.A lot of people suffer from trying to prove themselves to unavailable people.RUBBISH!!Here's an exercise:Make a list of all the things you wish other people would see about you. You wish they would see how loving, supporting, caring, faithful,hardworking etc. you are... Make the list...Now, ask yourself if you are demonstrating these qualities towards yourself? The answer is probably no for some or all of the qualities you listed.So, how would you act if you were actually demonstrating these qualities? That version of you is who will attract people who see you. When you see you, other people will too.Then, you can SHARE your gifts, your love and your worth with them and receive their worth, gifts and love. This is massively different than trying to prove yourself to someone else.When we try to prove ourselves to others, it is because we do not see our great qualities and are not giving these qualities to ourselves. Once we do, we step into a new paradigm and walk away from trying to prove ourselves and step into just being ourselves.Then love and authenticity can emerge.So I urge you today to start being what you want others to see to yourself, that way you would be able to deal with those who do not appreciate you and those who appreciate you :) Have a blessed week ahead and keep winning...Maamamia xx
PS: I so love these toepost slippers, they are available in a size 42...check us out on
PS: I so love these toepost slippers, they are available in a size 42...check us out on
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Happy Sunday!!! 30:06:13
Happy Sunday!!! I had a very interesting conversation with a guy I just met today. The desire that you have in your soul to become whatever you want to become is real. It’s a part of you that is calling out to be seen, heard, felt and acted on. Whatever you want to become, know this: you ALREADY ARE. So stop trying to become it. Instead of having doubts-start taking action as if you already are what you want to become. Start putting yourself in places and environments that are in alignment with your dreams. Want to be a writer? Start taking actions that writers do (like WRITE) and be in environments that writers are in. Want to lose weight? Put yourself in health and fitness environments. Stop eating junk and start gyming. Don’t bring unhealthy food into your house.Our environment, far greater than anything else, dictates the quality of our lives. If you want to be a painter, go be with painters and start creating rituals that a painter would have. If you want to start a business, be around other entrepreneurs, absorb news on entrepreneurs and get busy taking risks like entrepreneurs do. Also, and this is VERY important - surround yourself with people who already have what you want. If you hang out with people who have never achieved the dream you’re dreaming - they are probably going to give you bad advice. Most people aren’t living their dream - most people are living their nightmare and so they will give you advice on how to live your nightmare, too. Environment plays a major role in how your life will turn out - so does the type of people you are hanging with. If you want your dreams to come true, start hanging in places where they already are and with people who can help guide your way. It’s possible to achieve your dreams; you just have to make sure you are on the side of making them come true, instead of doubting that they exist. Show people who are living their nightmare that it’s totally possible to live their dreams by showing them yours. Be a light. Know that you already are the dream and start taking action until you produce the result in real life. Keep going. Try until it happens and don’t stop until then. Most importantly pray always. Have a blessed week ahead..Maamamia xx
Saturday, 11 May 2013
HaPpY sUnDaY!!! 12:5:13
Happy Sunday!!!We live in an abundant world.I always tell my friends especially the laid back religious ones that Money is not bad,it is when we put the LOVE of MONEY before everything else that things get bad.Because we love God doesn’t mean we can’t live good lives filled with abundance.
If we want that abundance we MUST serve others and also charge what our time and experience are worth.I can list a number of preachers that i've listened to that changed my life but none of them paid my rent. We all have things to use money for: rent, food, family, health, socialising etc.
The value that the preacher brings to the world is massive and we can no longer afford to repress our desire for financial abundance because we think it’s not spiritual.For the most part, ALL spiritual teachings are free.You can also find SO much information on google too.It’s not a lack of information.If you can get to a computer with internet these days, you can change your life.
What people pay for when they come to a practitioner of any kind is not the information. They pay for the experience, the insight, and the facilitation of the practitioner.And THAT is value. It’s just as valuable as a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, etc.I see a lot of people hiding, scared to put themselves out there who pretend to not care about money, or not charge what they are worth – yet deep down you can feel that they yearn for more.If we are to set a shining example of what’s possible for our children, we must do it in every area of our lives: emotional, mental, spiritual, physical AND financial.
I dream of a Nigeria of conscious millionaires. Thriving spiritual leaders who can vote, not just with their thoughts and prayers, but with their wallets as well.Let’s get healthy together, including financially healthy.Where are you hiding by not adding more value or charging for what you are worth? Change today if you do not know how to, go down on your knees and ask. Have a lovely week ahead..Maamamia xxx
Sunday, 5 May 2013
HaPpY sUnDaY!!! 5:5:13
Happy Sunday!! One of my core reminders in life is that I always want to remain a student.I am always going to seminars, reading books, mentoring,travelling and trying to advance my knowledge about life and everything in it.I once heard in a seminar that “Experts are always students first…”This is a true statement of anyone I’ve ever met that I really respect not only their knowledge, but how they show up in the world. That humility that says, “I don’t know everything. I am open. I am learning. I want to expand my mind…” That is what sets apart very successful and happy people from others. I always pity those that believe they know everything.When we think we know it all, we are headed for destruction.When we think that there’s nothing left to explore, discover or understand – we have stepped off the path of mastery and onto the path of decay. Wisdom and Knowledge is never enough. Everyday they are making scientific breakthroughs, making technological advances. Everyday we understand more about the human body,mind and soul. And whatever we think we know will be totally replaced in the fuure by somethinelse, some new discovery.You have limiting beliefs that you don’t even know are limiting you. You have limiting beliefs that you know are limiting you. Whatever you “think” your potential is, it is SO SMALL compared to what it really is.So when we get caught in the idea that the future will be like the past, or that it’s too late for our dreams to come true, or that we are too old, too young, not smart enough, over-qualified, or that life handed us a bad hand in this life, we don’t know what we are talking about.If we are to remain the student and work towards gaining more knowledge, more freedom, more self-awareness – then eventually we will come to see that the only thing that is truly holding us back is our belief about why we can’t have what we really desire. A wise man knows this and the wise one overcomes his/her limits by remaining the student and being open to a new way. Have a very blessed week ahead..Maamamia xxx
Saturday, 27 April 2013
HaPpY sUnDaY!!! 28:4:13
Happy Sunday! We all have a truck load of excuses - many of
them that seem real to us. There is a difference between an EXCUSE and a
description of your current circumstance. We can confuse the two well. Usually
your current circumstance becomes an excuse and it's easy to hide behind it
because no one can argue with your circumstance. But I believe that you are
MORE than your circumstance and that you can, through trial, effort and faith,
transcend your circumstance. Why?
Because you are NOT your circumstance. You are SO much more than that!. When you identify with God, with your
Source and with your Soul (and not your circumstances), you take the first step
in transcending your limitations.. It might be true that you have a
circumstance, but you are NOT your circumstance. And the more you affirm and
identify with your circumstance, the more you will create it. Because what we
focus on is what expands and becomes real in our lives.So,What if you decided to no longer make your excuses your
identity, but instead your circumstance - and then get about the business of
changing your circumstance?Not
through painful effort, but through prayer, meditation, service, solving other
people's problems, personal growth and making Love the bottom line of your
existence.What if you
took total responsibility for your life, right now, as it is? You may not have
been fully responsible for what happened to you, but you are now responsible
for how you engage with and meet your life circumstances.You are so much more
than you are giving yourself credit to be, and you have so much more help and
assistance that is yearning to come to your aid, if you but allow it to. Be
still. Listen. Identify with God,
make this a new lifelong practice and then get out of your own way. God has
told me to tell you this today. Have a blessed week ahead..Maamamia xx
Sunday, 21 April 2013
hApPy SuNdAy!
Happy Sunday....
Humiliation and disrespect just makes me want to work ten times harder so I don't ever find myself in certain situations. I'm still grateful to God for times like this because it really really does test my patience. I faced humiliation today and it made tears flow from my eyes. It is important to always check yourself and life everyday, the way you handle people, handle situations etc because that moment can make or destroy you. if you lack patience in a certain area pray to God to help you be better. Some of us just waste prayer time. Imagine an angry man who has offended someone because of his anger being cursed and then has marital problems,he goes to God to ask for help in His marital life, to me that's a waste of prayer. He should be praying to God to help him with his anger issues. We need to take time and recognise the problem so we can have an effective solution. There are just some people you can't afford to offend in the name of you have no patience. That is not an excuse. There can be a person you will make cry and life will never be pleasant for you henceforth. Its lives journey, not everyone you see is human, some or demons and some are angels so try to treat everyone equal. Have a blessed sunday and remember " be nice to everyone cos you never know what's going on in that persons mind,body or soul" aggression doesn't solve anything, instead it starts something really bad. One method I use to always help myself in life is I ask myself this question " What will Jesus do if He were me right now" then I do it! Try it and it just might help you live a better life :) Have a lovely and blessed week ahead..Maamamia xxx (Ps: I feel better already so no need asking what happend *hugs* )
Humiliation and disrespect just makes me want to work ten times harder so I don't ever find myself in certain situations. I'm still grateful to God for times like this because it really really does test my patience. I faced humiliation today and it made tears flow from my eyes. It is important to always check yourself and life everyday, the way you handle people, handle situations etc because that moment can make or destroy you. if you lack patience in a certain area pray to God to help you be better. Some of us just waste prayer time. Imagine an angry man who has offended someone because of his anger being cursed and then has marital problems,he goes to God to ask for help in His marital life, to me that's a waste of prayer. He should be praying to God to help him with his anger issues. We need to take time and recognise the problem so we can have an effective solution. There are just some people you can't afford to offend in the name of you have no patience. That is not an excuse. There can be a person you will make cry and life will never be pleasant for you henceforth. Its lives journey, not everyone you see is human, some or demons and some are angels so try to treat everyone equal. Have a blessed sunday and remember " be nice to everyone cos you never know what's going on in that persons mind,body or soul" aggression doesn't solve anything, instead it starts something really bad. One method I use to always help myself in life is I ask myself this question " What will Jesus do if He were me right now" then I do it! Try it and it just might help you live a better life :) Have a lovely and blessed week ahead..Maamamia xxx (Ps: I feel better already so no need asking what happend *hugs* )
Sunday, 14 April 2013
HaPpY sUnDaY!!!
Best Regards
Igiletu Musa (Maama Mia)
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