Sunday, 21 July 2013

Happy Sunday!! 21:07:13

Happy Sunday...Love is complete.Your friends,family,spouses don't "complete you" your relationships should be a reflection of you.Be whole, not a half.So many people run around looking for someone "to complete them." But the thing is, everyone is fallible, so no one can complete you and ever live up to your expectations. That is why it is so important to keep our eyes on God and His Love for us. The Love of God never changes. Other people change, other people mess up, but God is constantly on our side, Loving us and showing us how we can grow even closer to happiness and Love.Our aim should be to not seek and chase for Love, but to BE IT. This means self-love first. True Love isn't setting HUGE expectations on someone else that they always make you happy and fulfilled.True Love is being so full of self-love and the Love of God that you have more than enough Love to hold your own darkness and light and the darkness and light of the other people.Looking for someone to complete you is to deny your innate potential to be an already full and integrated human-being. You are giving someone else a power that only you have.Also, making someone else the source of your fulfilment means that if they are not having a good day, acting in integrity or desiring to grow, then you are also doing the same. It's a giant anchor holding you down.In relationships, we either grow together or we grow apart like I have grown apart from someone in my life recently. God is constantly guiding us to greater and greater awareness of ourselves and as a result our Highest Potential. Relationships are containers for growth, not containers for proving how much pain you can endure for someone else.When we make someone else the only thing that completes us, we can easily blame them, but the blame belongs on us for giving them that power in the first place.Let's take our power back and take our eyes off of ourselves and our partners and friends and remember the Source from which we came and which we are all a part of right now. We are a drop of water coming home to the beautiful ocean from which we came. In doing so, we can merge into a wave and do far more connected to this Source than we ever could do alone or with another person. Have a blessed week ahead and read this message again. Maamamia xxx

Ps: Don't you love these very sexy chinos?? They are available at for guys

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