Friday, 8 April 2016

Emotional wounds will destroy you!!!!

Hmmm! My life. What a beautiful life i beautiful that it makes the devil so jealous and he is bent on destroying it. But guess what? I have a good good Father. He chose me.... He first chose me when i was a teenager and since then i have known no peace...I have had all sorts of attacks in my life...physical, mental,emotional,health,financial you name it from all sorts of angles but still I stand. I thought i was ok, i thought i was fine only for God to show me things about me i never even knew existed and even when He showed me i didn't accept them... I blamed one person or situation or the other but i am sick of being held and enough is enough...I have to be set free tonight. I am sharing this because I feel led to and i know someone will be blessed by this. 

We have experiences in life that leave us broken without us knowing,till life throws situations at us and we respond with hurt and anger over something that is not even enough to cause such a reaction. Whenever you react with hurt and anger you lack emotional wholeness, infact you are MAD because the emotion you put towards the situation at present is emotions from the past which is not proportionate to the situation at hand and when you watch yourself out of your skin, you will agree that you are mad. So speak to God and let Him heal you from that past hurt. Psalm 147:3 is His word, so remind Him of it and declare it in Your life. Say this out loud " Father i ask that I trust in You as my healer. Build my faith to depend on You as my healer. Reveal to me that You are filled with mercy and grace. Convict me of Your willingness and ability to heal me in Jesus name. Amen!!

Sometimes we blame God for giving us emotions but it is wrong. God did not promise us a life without wounds, He just promised that He will be there with us and heal us whenever we are broken...if your emotions have been wounded or torn apart guess what? You will have sinful and negative emotions cultivated into your life from that emotional wound... So it is important you plead for God to release His power in your life so you can experience emotional health and wholeness. Genesis 1:27 says that God created us in His image, if the image you portray does not look like God then you need healing... Ask Him. Don't accept that to be you- God forbid that cannot be you because that Cannot be God... Do something about it... Pray and fast it out and don't stop till you see it gone.

Ask God, call a few prayer warriors to agree with you. Ask God to bind satan and his demons from your life. Speak to them and tell them to seize from harassing and oppressing you... Nooo it is not ok to be that way... It is not ok to scream and shout and hit and insult because of your lack of emotional strength... That is not of God! 

Do not neglect or suppress hurt or pain. They will come back in fact stronger and monstrous...face them.. Face them head on and seek for God's healing and move on by His grace and power and declare that past hurt will no longer hurt, hinder or destroy your present and future . Hebrews 13:5-6 has said it thAt God is your helper and man can do you nothing so forgive and truly forget... Don't allow man cause you to sin... Root out that negative emotion and cast it out,replace them with the fruit of God.

Emotional hurts can produce bad bad behaviour... Lord! Baaaad behaviour that stinks and oozes and these behaviors can hinder and destroy relationships, take hold today and cast them out and ask God to deal with any sinful attitudes or behaviors in your life that would hinder your relationships.Plead that God will grant you healthy and Godly relationships... Relationships thAt hang on love... Matthew 22:39 says we should love our neighbours as ourselves so before you act negatively to anyone ask if you will act towards yourself like that...

Victim mentality... Rebuke it... Pray that God will enable you to confess and repent of any sinful responses to your emotional wounds. Pray that you wont see yourself as a victim but a victor and most importantly take responsibility for your actions and dont blame anyone for acting the way you did... It was all you and you and you...confess your sins to Him And He will be just to forgive you from all unrighteousness. Confess them... Do not be ashamed for proverbs 28: 13 tells us that if we cover our sins we will not prosper but God will have mercy on you if you confess and forsake them. I hope this helps anyone that has been emotionally wounded. 

This is my prayer 

Father! You are the healer of the broken hearted. You declare in your word that You bind up wounds...Release Your healing power into my life. Be gracious to me. Cause me to sense and know Your love as never before in my life. Open my eyes to those wounds that have me bound and hurting. Remove the pain from my life, fill my wounds with your mercy. Set me free from unforgiveness, deliver me from harboring unforgiveness. Remove anger and hatred from my life, replace it with Your love. Remove depression and despair from my life, replace it with joy. Remove fear and anxiety from my life and replace it with peace. Remove resentment and temper from my life, replace it with longsuffering. Remove bitterness and a critical spirit from my life, replace it with kindness. Remove selfishness from my life and replace it with goodness. Fill me with Your love...let Your love overflow. Show me Your concern for me. Cause me to seek You with allllll of my heart. Manifest Your power and grace by healing and blessing me Jesus name. Amen 



  1. You are blessed! I see the effects of war-ing in the place of prayer!..I bless God for healing you from the inside out!...nice 1 sis.

  2. Very fruitful as touching as it is. Once again; a brilliant piece, filled with solutions to man's everyday realistic and core challenges. Welldone Madam.

  3. This has surely helped me. Thank you for this post. May God answer all of our prayers. God can never leave nor forsake us. We shall stand on his promises. He promised us a future of hope and a sound mind. God bless you greatly Mia and keep on declaring. You are healed and renewed in Jesus name (amen).

  4. This has surely helped me. Thank you for this post. May God answer all of our prayers. God can never leave nor forsake us. We shall stand on his promises. He promised us a future of hope and a sound mind. God bless you greatly Mia and keep on declaring. You are healed and renewed in Jesus name (amen).
