Saturday, 29 December 2018


Hello readers, compliments of the season. I pray that this joyous season will bring nothing less than goodnews to your home.

There is a topic i want to share and it was inspired by a conversation i had with my loved ones yesterday and it is about how insignificant people feel in the church and then leave because they either don't feel appreciated or feel limited. I have left a church before for another and the main reason was because i just wanted more...more food, more meat, more challenge and thankfully i found the more in the church i moved to...I felt i could do more for God and also be more disciplined in my salvation.But what i disagree with is when people leave because they dont feel important or appreciated...Remember Noah?? He was only one person and because of Him an entire nation was saved. The devil is constantly seeking who to devour and that is why God has instructed us to renew our minds daily..the devil will always try to lie to you by saying "You are not important". Please never ever believe that.

YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!! Every born-again Christian in the church of Christ has a part to play in God's plan. Whether you are a backup singer or a cleaner or an usher or anything, God has something for you to do that no one else can do just like you can and you MUST believe this. If you don/t take your place or remain in your place and do your part, things wont be quite right.

Look in Genesis 6, and you will see that the people on the earth had gotten so wicked that God had regretted that He even made them. He was ready to wipe the whole population out-but He didn't. Why?Because of one man;Noah! One obedient man saved the human race.

Think about it. What if Noah had said, 'Well, this is just too much pressure for me. I can't live uprght before God in the middle of this ungodly generation. Everyone is just fake, they dont even practice what they preach, i am fed up and i am leaving..i cant make a difference anyway, i am only but one man"..Imagine if Noah said that??

Praise God Noah didnt say that. He didnt picture himself as insignificant or someone who didnt matter or wasnt noticed or appreciated. He saw himself as a man to whom God had spoken and by faith he obeyed God according to the book of Hebrews. And because of that he ended up being the only thing that stoood between mankind and total destruction.

Next time you are tempted to just leave or give up in serving God and man, next time you are tempted to just ignore the instructions of God and be disobedient-remember Noah. Consider the fact that , whether you understand it or not, God is counting on you to carry out your part of His plan. Live like you are someone important in the Kingdom of God. And sooner or later you will realise that YO ARE IMPORTANT!!!

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