Happy Valentine's Day <3 U knw this day sometimes passes on the wrong message.And the message is,if u're not in a relationship,u should feel bad about urself.And for some people who are IN a relationship,its not even abt just spending intimate time with someone that u Love,its about HOW BIG the present is.The bigger&more expensive,the more it shows ur Love.All this messaging is wrong.Economic value&the measurement of how much u love urself or someone else have nothing 2 do with each other.And u don't need to buy into d world's desire to sell u more things so dat u feel worthy of the Love u r getting from a partner,or dat u are unworthy if u don't have a partner.Love is unconditional&requires no economic proof for its existence.Now,I'm not saying that u shouldn't do/get something nice 4 d one u Love,nor am I saying that it's not good to have nice things.I LOVE having nice things.But where we have 2 draw d line is being DEFINED by the things,d money or d size of the gift.On top of that,if we believe that we r unworthy cos we r single,we r buying into a marketing belief.The quality of our lives is in direct proportion to hw much we Love ourselves&den GIVE&SHARE dat Love with others.Not in how much stuff we have,not in how fancy the restaurant is¬ cos we have a romantic partner,or we don't. Love is freely given from GOD&we can harness dis Love 2 give 2 ourselves&den begin 2 give dat Love away And it is in d free giving of Love&value to d world that our lives will change forever.So today,let the value of d day not be caught up in marketing or money-making.Let true Love shine today by setting awesome boundaries,giving away Love without condition,adding value to the world with no expectation¬ letting how much u have or not have determine d quality,d richness or d purity of ur Love.If ure single,congrats!Don't buy into d belief dat u r wrong today.IF u r in a relationship¬ happy-Where can u extend 2 d other person what u wish they'ld extend 2 u?or maybe today is the day to Love yourself enough to finally walk away! And if u r happy&in a relationship,do not take this for granted.U have d sweetest gift that life can offer you- BIG LOVE to give&to receive back.Cherish this rare gift today&give thanks for being able to share with ur beloved today.Wherever u r today,I wish u Love&know that this moment is perfect for ur growth.Happy Valentines Day..Maamamiaxxx
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