Thursday, 17 January 2019


Oh wow! My moment in the Word blessed me so much th at I couldn't keep it to myself. The bible verse to hold on to is 2 Timothy 2:3 and it says "Endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.’  When it comes to criticism, there are two kinds : constructive criticism and destructive criticism. One builds you up and the other tears you down. I know because i have received both before and i tell you brethren, if not for God i would have been 6foot under because of how destructive this critism was...Infact, it was so bad that i had to beg the perpetrator to stop because of how bad it was destroying me and guess what? They didn' they claimed i hated to hear the truth, but no sweetheart, i love the truth, i just hate the WAY you say it...Like I said, thank God for God in my life. Be wise in how you respond to unfounded criticism and gossip. When your critic wants to remain anonymous, they’re not worthy of your response. When they want to be insultive and insensitive,  they are not worthy of even your presence at all. The story’s told of a pastor who received a letter that contained only one word – FOOL! Next Sunday he held it up and said to the congregation, ‘I received the strangest letter this past week.’ He read the one-word text and said, ‘Somebody wrote it and forgot to sign it!’ You say, ‘But they are attempting to hurt my reputation.’ D.L. Moody said, ‘If I take care of my character, God will take care of my reputation’ (see Isaiah 54:17). Similar story of the wife whose husband insulted all her weaknesses to others and the same words by D.L.Moody applied.. Any time you’re involved in a worthy cause, people will not only try to beat you down, but keep you down. In training Timothy for ministry, Paul told him to ‘endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ’. Difficult people are placed in our path not to defeat us, but develop us. Leaders know this, so they stay and finish the job regardless of the cost. Just like the captain goes down with the ship, the true leader stays until the work is done. You say, ‘Then how should I respond?’ By praying for them! Jesus said, ‘Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you…and you will be sons of the Most High’ (Luke 6:28, 35). If the critism is true but the method is wrong, focus on the change and leave them alone. They will not get to enjoy the changed you because of the horrible approached. Have you received destructive critisicm today? stay above it! work on yourself, pray for forgiveness, avoid the person and move on...God will send those who will give you constructive critism...I love life, especially with all the lessons I learn each day. Enjoy the rest of your week and don't forget to share your thoughts! God bless x