So i made two flyers thanks to paragonfx goons and I can't decide which i love best so i will just paste both. Hehe! I jsut want to wish everyone the best this seaoson and forever.This is a season to remember and celebrate love, whether you believe in Christmas or not.Wherever you are, whoever you are with, my deepest wish is that this season you feel Love, connection and know that you are enough, as you are. As a Christian, one of the saddest things I see are people who use fear and hate in the name of Christ. You could call them, “I love you, but” people – who, if we are honest, are anything but Loving to anyone who isn’t like them.What’s so ironic is that the Jesus I know Loved everyone as they were. His deepest wish for humanity was that we “Love our neighbour as ourselves.”Not our Christian/muslim/work neighbour or anything else – just our neighbour.
And these days, in the global society we live in, all our fellow brothers and sisters on this planet are our neighbours.I tend to leave my beliefs about Jesus out of the blog, because I believe that what is most important is Love. I honour all paths to Love and believe that as long as you are doing your best to embody Love, then it really doesn’t matter what path you are on.Jesus will find you!!
I’m saddened when so much anger, hate, bigotry and the like is done in Jesus' name. The Jesus I’ve come to know in the red letter text of the Bible was a radical, fierce and Loving man who Loved all, who embodied a teaching of Love and who left none out.There was no judgment, only Love. Jesus was a teacher who showed us that Grace could cancel karma and that, no matter what we’ve done in our lives, we are Loved unconditionally.Jesus wasn’t a Christian. He was love.His teachings were not dogmatic. They were inclusive. No one was left out and you didn’t have to do it His way. Instead, He asked us to look within.He taught us that our Creator was Love and the only way to truly connect back was to be Loving.His birth was humble, not flashy. There was no bling, no breaking news. He was born in a humble manger, amid nature and people who worked with their hands.He was a carpenter that worked with His hands.And, most importantly, he surrendered His will to the will of Something Greater. He put His focus on serving others and detaching from the outcome.His life, which he lived with “Christ Consciousness,” was not easy; it wasn't an “All is well” kind of life. He participated joyfully in the sorrows of the world and faced judgement, betrayal and persecution with graciousness and courage.He got scared. He got angry. He got afraid. Yet, none of this stopped him from living His mission and putting a massive dent in the world.He reminds us that, “Even the least among ye can do greater things than I." So, he is not an idol to be worshipped, but a role model to to be looked up to, so that we realize that we all have the ability to do Great Works on this planet.Some say that there are only two ways to view Jesus: either madman or a liar. But, we all know that there are always at least three sides to every story. I say He was misunderstood.So, this season, as we celebrate His birth and His gift to the world, my deepest wish is that you keep this in mind: Love truly is the bottom line. There are many messengers of Love, Jesus being one of them.If you have been persecuted, judged or harmed in any way by people calling themselves Christian, please accept my deepest apology. They didn’t know what they were doing, they were just acting out of fear. Fear that you are different. Fear that you represent the unknown.I’m so sorry that you’ve been hurt. I’ve been hurt, too more than you can ever imagine. But that shouldn’t stop us from Loving.Don’t let the judgment of humans take you away from the Love of The Uni-verse and our Creator.
Wherever you are, have an amazing day filled with Love, family and a renewed sense that you are enough and Loved just as you are.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year