Monday, 28 October 2013

Happy Monday!!! 28:10:13

Happy Monday!!! It is funny how we always say we are looking for signs, when infact we see only what we are looking for.You will find what you are looking for So, if you are looking for reasons why you aren't enough - you'll most likely find them. If you look for reasons why you should quit - there are plenty of them there. If you look for reasons why it's not working out - yup, you guessed it - that's there, too. But, just because you find the evidence, this doesn't mean it's actually true. It just means you found something "out there" that, based on the meaning that you are giving events and circumstances, correlates with something you are looking for. The power here is that the MEANING we give the events of our lives is what controls the outcome - far greater than circumstance. seek and ye shall find. So, if that is true, we better be damned careful what we are looking for. At our core, all of us are beautiful, perfect, infinite and Loving Souls. Wrapped around that amazing Soul is a bunch of stories and meanings that we have created - consciously or unconsciously - over time. And when we make things mean a certain thing, we will surely find it. If we believe that relationships = pain, we'll find it. If we think men or women = assholes, we'll find it. If we think that no one loves us, we'll find it. If we think that every problem is an opportunity to grow, we'll find it. If we think that a delay is not a denial, we'll find it. If we think that love does not exist then you will find that. If we think that we are more powerful than our circumstances, we'll find it. If we think that God provides in perfect time, we'll find it. This isn't to say that if you think positive, it will all work out. Positive thinking is 1/3 of the equation. There is good reason for negative and neutral thinking, too. I'm not talking about being a Pollyanna and thinking that everything is fine. Sometimes we have crisis in our lives - but the MEANING we GIVE the crisis is everything. Is this a breakdown or a breakthrough? Shit happens, but it's what you do about it that matters. Instead of reacting, let us respond. Responsibility is the ability to respond. This means that we have the power to choose to respond in an empowered way to our circumstances, rather than just look for reasons why we are wrong, why we are not good enough or why we should quit. If you look for problems, you'll find problems; but if you look for GRACE - you'll see that Grace walks with you at every step of the way..Through God! Have a blessed week ahead…Maamamia ps: Visit our site and see what we are doing to help the world