Saturday, 28 September 2013
Happy Sunday!! 29:09:2013
Happy Sunday!! If you're looking for a truly Loving relationship, it is very difficult to be in a relationship with someone who isn't on the path to self-love. We don't have to love ourselves perfectly to find awesome love, but we have to be on the path to self-love. This also means that whomever we choose to be in a relationship with should be on that path, too.There will never be a perfect moment where we love ourselves perfectly and then we can be in a relationship. It's a constant process of discovery with no end. But for a relationship to thrive and for intimacy to emerge, each person must be dedicated to growth; otherwise, you will hit a wall. A huge revelation for me recently has been that nobody, including myself, is perfect. It sounds obvious when I write it, but for many years I would meet people and project this expectation of perfection on to them. And I would get mad, angry and hurt when they wouldn't meet that expectation. So, I've recently decided that from the beginning of any relationships I start, that I want to acknowledge my own imperfection as well as the imperfection of the other person and consciously choose to enter into a relationship not seeking perfection, but rather loving each other's imperfections. And instead of looking to the other person to meet all our needs perfectly, to take our eyes off of ourselves and put them on God.I believe that the only perfect Love is the Love of God. We are constantly nurtured by it: with oxygen, with sun, with community and with free will. We are fully supported in this life by God. It is the thoughts of lack, of fear and of neediness that make us feel as if we are not. When we remember this, we can remember our true essence and start to be at peace. When we realize that the only perfect love is the Love of God, we can no longer have the insane expectations that other people are perfect and expect perfect love from them.We then step into the reality of imperfection that is the human condition. This is a humble place and it is from this humble place that we acknowledge that we need to grow, to work on ourselves and to walk the Path of self-love. To be in relationship with someone who isn't on this path makes Love very difficult. So make it easy for them and start loving and accepting yourself. Have a blessed week ahead…Maamamia xx
Ps: Dn't you just love these?? check us out on wwww.miasboutique.co.uk

Saturday, 14 September 2013
Happy Sunday!!! 15:09:13
Happy Sunday! You know what? One of the greatest obstacles to our growth is pride. The need to be right is one of the largest blocks to Love, to Growth and to intimacy.This need is based in fear and is of the ego. The key to happiness is "not minding what happens."This isn't to say that we shouldn't care or that we should be lazy. On the contrary, this is a call to care, to give it our all, but to surrender the outcome.Our pride wants us to be right. Our pride wants us to be first.Our pride cannot admit when we're wrong. Our pride is terrified of opening up and loving. Our pride loves to be in control.If we instead look at life, not from a place of lack that requires us to control our limited resources, but as a journey into dissolving our fears, we can let go. And not mind what happens.We can detach from the outcome. We cannot take insults personally. We cannot let how much money we do or do not have define us. We cannot let success define us. We can let go of the need of the approval of other people. When we don't mind what happens, we can step into simply being ourselves and sharing.We can detach from the fearful need to be right and instead step into an intention and the action of sharing. We begin to value growth over protection of our beliefs. We are now willing to drop a belief when we come across a deeper truth. I met someone who has decided not to open his heart to love again and that is total BS and unfairness in my opinion. You cannot just decided not to love because you have been heartbroken…Love anyway and detach from the outcome. You cannot live in fear.We should see the value in not needing to defend our position, but understand our fellow Seekers and share from a place of feeling, rather than report from a place of judgment.We are being called to grow here on earth and we cannot afford to stunt it cos of other humans. We are asking for insight, so we must be willing to admit when we are wrong and flow with the lessons of The World. Let us see ourselves as being sharpened so that we may cut through the B/S of life. Have a blessed and fulfilled week ahead..Maamamia xx
Ps: Don’t you just love this beautiful mango tote bag? Check us out on www.miasboutique.co.uk

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